Cruise Control – How to Set – Honda Accord

Hey there! Here’s a quick picture guide for setting the cruise control on a 2002-2007 Honda Accord!

The vehicle shown here is a 2004 Accord.

I decided to write this because sometimes the procedure to set the cruise is just not that intuitive. There are a couple steps that seem unnecessary, but are required for it to work! Anyway, if your cruise seems broken, try out the following steps.

Summary of Steps to take to set the cruise in a Honda:

  1. Maintain a steady speed with the accelerator foot pedal.
  2. Press the “CRUISE” button on the steering wheel.
  3. A light will illuminate on the panel saying “Cruise Main”.
  4. Press the “DECEL/SET” button.
  5. A light will illuminate on the panel saying “Cruise Control”.
  6. Release the accelerator foot pedal.

Step by Step Instructions (with Pictures)

Alright, you’re driving along, and you’ve established the speed that you want to maintain with cruise control. Hold that speed with your foot on the accelerator. You’re looking at your panel which looks like this (except that hopefully you are going faster than 0 mph and you are in drive instead of park).

To enable the cruise, the first step is to press the “CRUISE” button on the steering wheel.

A green light will illuminate on the instrument panel that says “CRUISE MAIN”.

(Note: the cruise is not yet activated…)

To activate the cruise, press the “DECEL/SET” button.

This will illuminate a second light on the control panel next to the first that reads, “CRUISE CONTROL”. Now the cruise control is active, and you can take your foot off of the accelerator.

To increase your speed, press and release the “RES/ACCEL” button. Your speed will increase by about 1 mph.

To decrease your speed, press and release the “DECEL/SET” button. Your speed will decrease by about 1 mph.

To turn off the cruise, press the “CRUISE” button again.

To turn off the cruise temporarily, press and release the “CANCEL” button. When you are ready to resume, press the “RES/ACCEL” button.

Well, I hope this was helpful. Sometimes that first press of the “SET” button is not really intuitive, so it seems like nothing happens the first time you press the “CRUISE” button and it is easy to assume it is just broken!

Anyway, I hope this was able to help someone!

For some DIY maintenance articles on your Honda Accord, check out these posts!

Thanks for reading.

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