Honda Accord, Vehicle Maintenance

How to Program a Honda Key

Have you lost your Honda key with FOB built into it? Do you want to get another FOB so that you have a spare? You’ve come to the right place. This post explains the programming procedure for a new Honda Key FOB.

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Note that in order to program a new key, you need AT LEAST ONE EXISTING KEY to turn in the ignition. If you have lost all of the keys, this procedure won’t work. 

Does your key not even turn? Check out How to Fix a Key that Won’t Turn in the Ignition.

Step 1: Get a New Blank Key

The first step is to purchase a new key. I recommend you purchase a key from They typically cost less than $20. Here are a few options:

You will need to go to the hardware store or a locksmith to get the key cut. Note that some of these keys require laser cutting due to their unique shape. 

The Honda dealership will charge around $200 for this service. 

Step by Step Key Programming Procedure

Once you have the new key fob, follow this procedure to program it to recognize and control your vehicle. Note that for each instruction on the list, you must do it within between 1 and 4 seconds in order for the sequence to take.

  1. Put the Original Key in the ignition and turn to Position II
  2. Press and Release the Lock Button on the New Key – One Time
  3. Turn the Original Key off (0), then back to Position II
  4. Press and Release the Lock Button on the New Key – One Time
  5. Turn the Original Key off (0), then back to Position II
  6. Press Lock Button on the new key
  7. Turn the Original Key off (0), then back to Position II
  8. Press Lock Button on the new key
  9. Turn the Original Key off (0), then back to Position II
  10. Press Lock Button on the new key
  11. You will hear the door locks lock! This means that the new key has been programmed to lock/unlock the car.
  12. Press Lock Button on the new key again
  13. If you have another FOB you are programming, press the Lock Button on that FOB as well (within 15 seconds). You can program up to 3 FOBs at one time.
  14. Turn off the ignition.

I hope you found this helpful! If so, leave a comment below!


  1. Anonymous

    will this work in 2015 Honda Accord Sport

  2. Brett Alberts

    Love your website, has helped me with my 06 Honda Accord.

    Fuel injectors change next?

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