Adding Oil to Vehicle

Best Oil for a Toyota Corolla

In this post I’ve sorted through all the forums, discussion boards, and opinions on the topic of the best oil for a Toyota Corolla and tell you which oil to put in your Corolla!

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Which oil to use in a Toyota Corolla

The following is a quick summary of the best oils to use in a Toyota Corolla. All the details follow after this list; use one of these oils:

For Corollas made in 2009 or after:

For Corollas made in 2009 or later, Toyota recommends the use of 0W-20 motor oil. These are the top quality oils in this weight:

  1. Mobil 1 Extended Performance Full-Synthetic 0W-20
  2. Castrol Edge Advanced Full-Synthetic 0W-20
  3. Pennzoil Ultra Platinum Full-Synthetic 0W-20
BrandMobil 1CastrolPennzoil
Mobil 1 Extended Performance
Full-Synthetic 0W-20

Castrol Edge Advanced
Full-Synthetic 0W-20
Pennzoil Ultra Platinum
Full-Synthetic 0W-20
Density (g/cc) 15C0.8390.8560.839
Flash Point (C)235220224
Viscosity (100C) cSt8.68.68.8
Viscosity (40C) cSt44.949.3546.3
Viscosity Index173161172
HT/HS Viscosity (cP, min)2.72.6
Spec SheetMobile1 Spec SheetCastrol Spec SheetPennzoil Spec Sheet
Comparison Table for 0W-20 Engine Oil – Full Synthetic

For Corollas made in 2008 or before:

For Corollas made in 2008 or earlier, Toyota recommends the use of 5W-30 motor oil. These are the top quality oils in this weight:

  1. Mobil 1 Extended Performance High Mileage Full-Synthetic 5W-30
  2. Castrol Edge Extended Performance Advanced Full Synthetic 5W-30
  3. Valvoline Advanced SynPower Full Synthetic 5W-30
BrandMobil 1CastrolValvoline
Mobil 1 Extended Performance High Mileage Full-Synthetic 5W-30

Castrol Edge Extended Performance Advanced Full Synthetic 5W-30
Valvoline Advanced
Full Synthetic 5W-30
Density (g/cc) 15C0.8560.850.84
Flash Point (C)230231199
Viscosity (100C) cSt11.79.910.2
Viscosity (40C) cSt69.26060.1
Viscosity Index165163158
HT/HS Viscosity (cP, min)3.33.2
Spec SheetMobil 1 Spec SheetCastrol Spec SheetValvoline Spec Sheet
Comparison Table for 5W-30 Engine Oil – Full Synthetic

Choosing the Right Engine Oil

The Toyota Corolla is one of the most reliable vehicles ever built! So, it is great you are taking care of it by changing the oil regularly (I recommend every 5000 miles).

The best type of oil to put in your engine depends on a number of factors, and as a result, people will be arguing about this until the end of time. In my quest to answer this question for myself, I ended up going down the rabbit hole… When I finally came out the other end, after reading what seemed like hundreds of blog posts, articles, and even technical research papers, I decided that I don’t want anyone else to have to go through that. That is why I am writing this article, so you don’t have to!

At the end of the day, there are mainly 2 things you need to think about when choosing the best oil for your vehicle: mileage and climate. Even though there are a host of other things to consider, such as how you drive, what your daily drive is like, or whether your vehicle has any known problems. I’m going to assume you are a ‘typical’ driver, you live in a climate with cold winters and fairly warm summers, and the car doesn’t have major issues.

How to Change Oil in a Toyota Corolla?

Changing the oil in a Corolla is very straightforward and takes about 20-30 minutes; most of the time is spent waiting for the used oil to drain out of the car! Please visit this post for details on changing the oil in a Corolla. All you’ll need is a 14mm socket, funnel, 3.9 US qts of oil (for a 2004, check your owner’s manual for exact quantity), a drain pan, and an oil filter.

Oil Change Toyota Corolla Drain Plug 14mm Socket Wrench
Changing Oil in a Toyota Corolla.

What Viscosity is Right for Me?

When you see the numbers on the bottle like “5W-30”, very simply, the first number corresponds to the viscosity when the oil is cold (think “W” for “winter”). The number before the “W” refers to the viscosity rating at 0°C. A lower number means there is less thickening of the oil at lower temperatures. The number after the dash (-) refers to the viscosity of the oil measured at 100°C and is an indication of the oil’s rate of thinning at higher temperatures. Visit this post for a more detailed explanation of the SAE numbers.

Why should I use Synthetic Oil?

There used to be quite a debate on whether conventional or synthetic oil was ‘better.’ All kinds of myths were floating around because people are resistant to change (sometimes for very good reason). There were worries about synthetic oil degrading seals faster, not clinging to surfaces as well, or susceptible to sludge. These were largely unfounded, and the consensus has overwhelmingly swung towards synthetics.

The main reason that conventional oils are still used is the lower cost, but from a performance standpoint, synthetics win. Some of the benefits of synthetic oil include:

  1. Synthetic oil allows your vehicle to get better gas mileage. Since synthetic oil can be manufactured down to higher viscosity ratings than conventional oils, the oil flows more freely, allowing the engine to not have to work as hard.
  2. Synthetic oils can also go longer between oil changes. This not only saves YOU money, but also reduces waste.
  3. Synthetic oils increase engine longevity. If everything else is the same, an engine will last longer if synthetic oil is used.

What Oil is the Best Oil?

Before 2009, Toyota recommended the use of 5W-30 oil in their Corollas. From 2009 and onward, the recommendation changed from 5W-30 to 0W-20. The reasons for this come down to tighter tolerances in engine manufacturing processes and fuel economy. In fact, in some cases, Toyotas sold in other countries (such as Australia) specify the use of 5W-30 engine oil, since the mandated fuel economy requirements have not yet been tightened there. Also, often if a vehicle will be used for towing, 5W-30 oil is recommended in order to increase the engine life.

For these reasons, the following oil types are recommended based on the year of the vehicle.

For a Toyota Corolla made in 2009 or after, use this:

Mobil 1 Extended Performance Full-Synthetic 0W-20

For a Toyota Corolla Made before 2009, use this:

Mobil 1 Extended Performance High Mileage Full-Synthetic 5W-30

Why use these oils?

Read the following specifications for more information on these oils.

0W-20 Full Synthetic Oil

Mobil 1 Extended Performance Full-Synthetic 0W-20 meets the following specifications:

  • API SN
  • ILSAC GF-5
    • Improved protection against oil ‘sludge’
    • Formulated to improve fuel efficiency
    • Satisfies ILSAC GF-4 standards
    • Low HTHS ((≤ 3.5cP)

From the spec sheet for Mobil 1 Extended Performance Full-Synthetic 0W-20:

Mobil1 EP 0W-20ASTM MethodResult
Viscosity @ 100C, cStASTM D4558.6 cSt
Viscosity @ 40C, cStASTM D45544.9 cSt
Viscosity IndexASTM D2270173
HT/HS viscosity, cP minASTM D46832.7 cP, min
Pour Point (C), maxASTM D97-54 C, max
Flash Point PMCC C, minASTM D93235 C, min
DensityASTM D40520.839 g/cc

The following are other good 0W-20 oils to consider:

5W-30 Full Synthetic Oil

Mobil 1 Extended Performance High Mileage Full-Synthetic 5W-30 meets the following specifications:

  • API SL (Approved by the American Petroleum Institute)
  • ILSAC GF-6 (International Lubricant’s Standardization and Approval Committee)
    • Improved protection against oil ‘sludge’ buildup
    • Low HTHS ((≤ 3.5cP)

From the spec sheet for Mobil 1 EP High Mileage 5W-30:

 Mobil 1 EP High Mileage 5W-30ASTM MethodResult
Viscosity @ 100C, cStASTM D45511.7 cSt
Viscosity @ 40C, cStASTM D45569.2 cSt
Viscosity IndexASTM D2270165
HT/HS viscosity, cP minASTM D46833.3 cP, min
Pour Point (C), maxASTM D97-39 C, max
Flash Point PMCC C, minASTM D93230 C, min
DensityASTM D40520.856 g/cc

The following are other good 5W-30 oils to considers:

How Much Oil goes in a Toyota Corolla?

My 2004 Toyota Corolla takes 3.9 US Quarts when the oil is changed with a filter. Check your manual for the correct amount for your vehicle (For example, a 2019 takes 4.4 US qts – Thanks Terry!).


Thanks for reading this post and thanks for visiting!

For Corollas made in or after 2009:

  1. Mobil 1 Extended Performance Full-Synthetic 0W-20
  2. Castrol Edge Advanced Full-Synthetic 0W-20
  3. Pennzoil Ultra Platinum Full-Synthetic 0W-20

For Corollas made before 2009:

  1. Mobil 1 Extended Performance High Mileage Full-Synthetic 5W-30
  2. Castrol Edge Extended Performance Advanced Full Synthetic 5W-30
  3. Valvoline Advanced SynPower Full Synthetic 5W-30

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  1. The Toyota dealership in south Florida is now using 5w-30 for conventional oil changes for my 2010 Corolla LE. Is this ok?

  2. I have never used synthetic engine oil in my Toyota Corolla 2006 1.8 . My mechanic recommended 10/30 car has only done 125.000 k bought car two years ago , I am qualified mechanic but 83 year old .cost factor is high in consideration of oil, I change my oil and filter every 5.000 k do you think 10/30 ok or save up for synthetic not wealthy ,

    1. Hi! Changing your oil regularly, and at the recommended interval is by far the most important factor, which it sounds like you are doing, so I believe you are fine continuing with conventional oil!
      All the best to you,

  3. All Toyota Corollas do NOT take 3.9 US qts , I have a 2019 and it is 4.4 US qts with filter change or 4.1 without

  4. December 8 2021- Thank you! Clear, comprehensive and great help. Great value.

  5. great great help for your article , have 03 180 k living on a small SS is no way i can get another car, needed to go back/ forth doctors as i’m fighting my second cancer so i have to make it last forever. you know what i meant
    thank you for being so consise and clear about what is best to use thank you so much

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